
Few examples of Xenias/offerings from Sultan for Temples:
To Lakshmikanth temple of village kalale of Nanjan Gadh 4silver bowls, a plate and a spittoon are still there.
To Srikaneshar temple of this area also a decorated bowl bejeweled with 4 prestigious jewels was presented by Sultan.
To Naryanswami temple of Melkot Sultan gifted bejeweled utensils and 12 elephants.
To Ranganath temple at seringapatam seven silver bowls and a camphor vessel presented by the Sultan are still there.
To 60 temples of southern district of Kerala were receiving yearly grant from treasury of Sultan.
To temple of Groyara 600 acres of agricultural land was donated.

Few examples of land gifted for temples by Sultan:
For temples and Brahmins of Malibar land without tax was allotted details of which is given below:
To Trankteshwarotakam temple of Amsom area of Calicut------------195 acre of land.
To Gaoravyadra temple of Ponani------------------------------------------504 acres of land.
To Manvar temple of Chilambra--------------------------------------------73 acres of land.
To Tranchiksolam temple of Ponani----------------------------------------212 acres of land.
To Namodripad temple of Ponani-------------------------------------------135 acres of land.

At Bangalore a temple was adjacent to the palace of Sultan.

Adjacent to mosque “Masjid e aala” made by Sultan was Ranganath temple which was just 100 yards away from Sultan’s palace, other than this were two other temples named  Narsimha and Gangadharesva  in forte from where sound of bells could be heard in palace daily morning and evening but Sultan never interfered their religious matters.
At the time of last war of Sultan Brahmins kept fasts and  prayed for his victory and many Hindus fought for sultan and sacrificed their lives was it possible if he was enemy to them?