
Last Day of Sultan Tipu:

Sultan was the biggest hurdle for the British army to enter and conquer India. Sultan tried hard to unite Indian rulers and nawabs but failed. It’s a painful history which destroyed sultanate of Sultan and Sultan himself and opened doors of India for East India Company.
Many ungrateful, ditcher and renegades sold their motherland and loyalty and left sultan alone.t was noon, Sultan was sitting under a tree, food was being served for him as he was about to take first bite a soldier came and informed him that enemies entered inside the fort, Sultan said it seem we are about to leave this world, without washing his hands he stood up, called his horse named “taoos” took his sword and gun and  headed towards enemies, he went outside the fort and fought bravely by that time renegades closed the door so that he should not get the way back,
He was wounded badly but he continued fighting ,one of Sultan’s well wisher advised him that even now if he surrenders himself he might save his life but angrily he answered “To me a day like tiger is better than 100 years life like a wolf.”
These were the last words of great Tipu. Suddenly his horse hit by bullets and felled down now sultan was fighting badly injured without horse and thirsty enough but quisling servant did not give him water even though he had with him, whole day he fought’ in the evening one bullet hit in the chest of the sultan still he killed few enemies, his soul left his body but his face was shining and prestigious look was distinguishing him from others,
He preferred death while battling against invaders till his last breath, in spite of surrendering to them and allow them in India till he was alive.
After Sultan’s death one British General screamed with joy and said Hindustan is ours now. 

To Read more kindly visit following web sites:
For more interesting history go to : http://www.angelfire.com/co/begumnoor/tipu2.html